Showing posts with label Devon. Show all posts
Ghostly face appears in photograph at Haunted Museum

Ghostly face appears in photograph at Haunted Museum

A GROUP of ghost-hunters taking part in a 'Night at the Museum' tour at a Devon museum were met with some spooky success. A photogra...
Has construction awoken ancient spirits in UK theatre (video)

Has construction awoken ancient spirits in UK theatre (video)

RENOVATION work at the Palace Theatre has revealed more than just marble floors and hidden fireplaces – it’s also roused a few ghosts.  Tha...
Landlord thinks William Shakesspeare in haunting pub

Landlord thinks William Shakesspeare in haunting pub

PRIEST and two monks were among the spooky presences detected by ghostbusters at a South Devon pub. Local group Real Investigators of the P...
Staff at store fear ghost is haunting shop.

Staff at store fear ghost is haunting shop.

Frightened fashion shop staff called in a medium amid fears their store was haunted by a Victorian granny who disapproves of the skimpy ou...