The scariest and most convincing ghost photographs ever taken, from a creepy smiling farm boy to a mysterious lady caught at the window of a...
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The Enfield Haunting - Commentary
Phil Poling of Parabreakdown makes an examination into the truth or fiction of the famous haunting in Enfield England in 1977. Was it really...

8 REAL Ouija Board Horror Stories That Will TERRIFY You
Are Ouija boards only simple kids toys or are they more sinister. Here are 8 REAL Ouija Board Horror Stories That Will TERRIFY You! What do ...

8 REAL Haunted Schools Ghost Stories
Going back to school shouldn't be too scary a thing for most kids, but if you were one of the unlucky folks in these true scary stories,...

Hauntings, The Occult, History of Ghosts
Stories of hauntings from the Kentucky State penitentiary. How the occult haunted movies, music and pop culture from the '60's to th...

20 Creepy Ghost Photos That Should Not Exist
No matter where you are in the world, there will always be sceptics when comes ghosts and goblins, and fair enough right? never the less, th...

Ed and Lorraine Warren: Spirits of the Woods
John Zaffis joins the Warrens to discuss spirits of the woods. This includes fairies, gnomes, and other such beings. The Warrens share stori...

Real Indian Burial Ground Story - Burning Fields in my House
Graveyards are just creepy. Period. But, Indian Burial Grounds are creepier. These hallowed grounds seem to be the home to dozens of scary g...

5 Haunted Houses and their Creepy Background Stories
Here is a look at five haunted houses and their creepy backstories brought to you by Mr. Nightmare. What do you think? and check this out...

3 Real Haunted House Ghost Stories
Haunted houses. We've all heard of them. But what if they were verified? Not by one source, but by numerous who have had these paranorma...

Toronto Raptors Lou Williams doesn't stay with team in haunted Oklahoma hotel
Lou Williams didn’t stay with the Raptors in Oklahoma City during their recent three-game road swing. When the team charter arrived at the S...

Landlord thinks William Shakesspeare in haunting pub
PRIEST and two monks were among the spooky presences detected by ghostbusters at a South Devon pub. Local group Real Investigators of the P...
Meet the woman who collects haunted dolls (video)
The single mother to Christopher Robin, eight, and Karl, seven, says that she bought the dolls after developing a fascination with the sup...
'Psychics' claim to banish harmful spirits on hidden camera (video)
Have you ever wondered if your house is haunted? You can hire self-described psychics who claim they can channel the dead and remove bad s...

Ouija boards are the must-have gift this Christmas. "You know, for kids"
What better time to talk to dead people for fun than the festival to celebrate the birth of Jesus? Ouija boards are flying themselves off ...
'Most Haunted Place in the World' up for auction
Buying a Venetian island might sound like a dream investment. This particular one on the auction block has a nightmarish history. The isla...

County employees busted for ghost camera
Two city-county employees have been given reprimands for having a camera posted in hopes of capturing paranormal activity in the county he...
Ghost buster helps realtors sell unsold houses
J ane Phillips looks the part of a put-together professional as she enters the three-bedroom house that I share with two roommates. She’s ...
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