Showing posts with label Video. Show all posts

Creepy face of a ghost appears on film in a Haunted tunnel (video)

A paranormal investigator got the shock of his life when he was faced with a 'ghost' after venturing alone into underground tunnel...

Ghost Maid - Breakdown

Is there the ghost of a maid in this video? Phil Poling of Parabreakdown takes a look and gives us his thoughts. What do you think? and chec...

5 REAL Sightings of The Rake

What is The Rake? Is it a creepy creature indigenous to the planet Earth, or an alien being? Darkness Prevails looks at five real sightings ...

5 Mysterious Space Diseases that could Kill Astronauts Before They Get to Mars

These 5 mysterious space diseases and syndromes may blind, kill, or incapacitate astronauts before they even have a chance to land on Mars.....

What's In The Sky? UFO Spotted In Toronto - Breakdown

Strange lights are seen over Toronto Canada. Two young men pull their car over to record the incredible event. Phil Poling of Pararbreakdown...

7 REAL Bigfoot Sightings

Bigfoot - The Mythical Creature and legendary Cryptid Creature - is coming right out of the forest into your campsite. Whether you're ca...

Top 15 Scary Ghost Sightings Caught On Camera By YouTubers

From the 'Brick House Ghost' to 'The Strong Poltergeist' Top15s takes a look at fifteen of the scariest ghost sightings caug...

Impatient Ghost tosses glass at a British pub (video)

We've all been there. It's Friday night, you've had a hellish week at work, your boss is a nightmare , your life is generally...

The Bonfire Night Entity

Beyond Creepy looks at a case from 1953 in which two boys claim they encountered a strange creature on Bonfire Night. What do you think? and...

Man captures creepy sounds in an Arizona mine (video)

A man who ventured into an abandoned mine in the US has purportedly recorded spine-tingling whispers on his camera. The man, who’s only kno...

11 Creepiest Haunted Places

Here are the 11 scariest and most mysterious places of all time from the Ancient Ram Inn filled with ghosts to creepy catacombs! What do you...

Bigfoot and His Pets | Knocks In Space

Beyond Creepy looks at two cases including one in which a Bigfoot was sighted with two cougar like felines and the strange knocks heard by a...

Even More Weird Bigfoot Stories

Beyond Creepy looks at three cases including a sighting of a Bigfoot in an area frequented by clothing optional folks, a Russian case in whi...

5 Creepy Sounds Picked Up On Sleep Recording Apps (video)

Since every new technology seems to provide some kind of fresh form of high strangeness, it should be no surprise that 'sleep apps...

The 7 Creepiest REAL Ghost Photos of All Time

The scariest and most convincing ghost photographs ever taken, from a creepy smiling farm boy to a mysterious lady caught at the window of a...

5 Unbelievable Cults that Control the Leaders of the World

"Spirit Cooking" and more... WikiLeaks and other investigations reveal 5 insane secret conspiracies to control the most powerful p...

The Strange Case of Sam Rogers and the Bees

Beyond Creepy looks at a case involving a beekeeper who died and the strange event that followed. What do you think? and check this out. THI...

10 Most Haunted Buildings in the World

In this countdown, Rob Dyke examines 10 buildings you'd probably never want to stay the night inside. what do you think? and check this ...

6 Ways You Can Actually Time Travel

Ever thought time travel was just something in sci fi movies? A time traveler going back in time or to the future for a time traveling adven...

5 Scary Stories & Paranormal Encounters

From a terrifying ouija board experience to a creepy hitchhiker encounter. Here are five creepy and mysterious stories you won't find an...