This is the moment a restaurant owner who 'didn't believe in ghosts' becomes converted by a white light picked up on his CCTV camera.
Marcus Levin, owner of Get Baked restaurant in Leeds, spotted the spooky sight as he checked CCTV footage from the early hours of the morning.
The camera picked up what appears to be a bright white figure moving across the screen outside the restaurant of the venue.
Marcus' amazed reaction can be heard as he watches the footage, which he posted on the restaurant's Facebook page.
He says: "I don't believe in ghosts this isn't sped up this is literally just what happened.
"What is that? Something is walking through the light, I've never been so scared in my entire life."
Read Full Story: Mirror UK
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Restaurant owner captures spooky ghost on camera (video)
Restaurant owner captures spooky ghost on camera (video)
Related : Restaurant owner captures spooky ghost on camera (video)
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